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KYB is designed so that women engage with the Bible passage through four different methods each week by:

  1. Answering the daily questions at home 
  2. Group discussion 
  3. The Leader’s summary after the discussion and 
  4. The KYB review notes provided with each study.

Some benefits of study with Know Your Bible are:

  • A daily devotional pattern is established for each person and all are nurtured by God’s Word
  • KYB Group Leaders are encouraged to study and become effective in sharing the Word with others

If you are interested in joining or starting a KYB study group in your area, please contact us here. One of our KYB Co-ordinators will contact you with details of nearby groups

If you would like to place an order for any of the titles listed below please click here and fill out the order form. Please fill in your correct postal address and the title you want and quantity. Someone will contact you about your order ASAP.

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KYB Studies 2025:  

Term 1: Tabernacle & Temple,   Term 2: Luke Part 2,  Term 3: 1 Samuel,  Term 4: Philippians

Wrestling with life:      


Series: 2024, Term 4 |  Cost $8

As a child, did you ever dream of sitting on a cloud? From a distance, clouds appear solid, but up close we see they are not. They are real — but hard to grasp hold of. This is the idea behind ‘meaningless’.

Studying Ecclesiastes, we read how the Teacher wrestles with what it is like to live in this fallen world. The answers are hard to grasp — like trying to pin down a cloud!

Ecclesiastes however does give us opportunities to love and listen to each other. As the Teacher raises difficult issues, it helps us share the hard things in our lives. We can face difficulties without feeling we always need to look on the bright side.

The Teacher also addresses the question of wisdom. If you get wisdom here while you are still young, it will prepare you for real life. Even if you find Ecclesiastes when you are older, it explains a lot. You learn that life didn’t go sideways; it was already crooked. Ecclesiastes paints an unvarnished picture of real life, but its heavy shadows help you see the light of real joy.

When we read and study this book we see God in all of life — the good and the bad we learn what it means to care for His people and know His mercy in our lives in so many ways! The Teacher wants to show us and help us to live in a way that honours God. How to live now and enjoy God’s good gifts. Most importantly we learn, that when we value life we honour God.

Rebellion and grace:      

Romans 1-8

Series: 2024, Term 3 |  Cost $10

Good news! When you say to someone, “I have good news for you”, you can always get that person to listen. We acknowledge that the real value of good news depends on the source—who said it. That is why the gospel Paul presents is so welcome. The news comes from God. Romans is Paul’s shout of joy to a lost world.

Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most important books in the Bible. It gives the most complete declaration of the gospel. In Romans, Paul clearly sets out God’s plan to rescue us from sin and rebellion.

“But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins”. Romans 3:24.

God’s plan of salvation runs through the entire Scriptures. The thread of salvation is seen very clearly in certain portions of the Bible. Romans 3 is one of them. When God looks at us “in Christ,” He sees perfection, for God sees only His own righteousness, Jesus Christ.

Throughout Christian history, many well-known church leaders came to a living and vibrant faith in Christ through the message of Romans. In the early church, one great preacher believed Romans was so important that he had the whole letter read aloud to him once a week.

Does the gospel of Christ grip you? Are you saved by it, set apart for it, and serving in it? This study, Romans Part One, will help you to come to a living and vibrant faith in Christ

Ancient prayers for modern people:      

Prayers of the Old Testament

Series: 2024, Term 2 |  Cost $10

Do you long to develop a loving and trusting relationship with God? Then pray! Prayer is for all of us. It does not depend on fancy words or formulas. God responds to people who come to Him in faith, believing He hears and will answer.

God promises us in His Word that He hears every word we pray. He is waiting, ready, and willing to listen to our worries, concerns, and needs. Whether we are seeking forgiveness, strength, or healing, prayer provides the channel to communicate with God.

Learning to pray is one of the most powerful and practical pursuits of the Christian life. The Old Testament characters that we will look at in this series are men and women who knew how to pray and how to prevail in prayer. Their faith in prayer was no passing attitude that changed with the wind or with their own feelings and circumstances; it was a fact that God heard and answered, that His ear was ever open to the cry of His children, and that the power to do what was asked of Him was consistent with His willingness. For them, praying to God was essential. Who else could they turn to for help, rescue or forgiveness?

Let us gain fresh encouragement to pray boldly, reverently and honestly. Let us learn to entrust our prayers to God — believing he will respond, and always being thankful for his answers. And let us listen to him carefully and obey him.

“So, whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16

Listen to Him:              

The Gospel of Luke, Part One (1:1-9:36)

Series: 2024, Term 1 |  Cost $10

“Jesus opened the book and read, from Isaiah, ‘The Lord’s Spirit has come to me, because He has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor. The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers, and to say, ‘This is the year the Lord has chosen.’ Jesus closed the book, then handed it back to the man in charge and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue looked straight at Jesus. Then Jesus said to them,

“What you have just heard me read has come true today.” Luke 4:18-19. CEV
Luke’s Gospel may be a familiar gospel to many of us, but this KYB study helps us to read and study it with fresh eyes and take in all that Luke tells us. As we ‘Listen to Him’ we learn afresh of Christ’s compassionate love in becoming Man to save humankind, it also gives us time to soak up the picture of who Jesus is — God’s chosen Messiah, Saviour and Lord, His Son come to earth. Through Jesus, we see the faithfulness of our great God in coming to His people and fulfilling His promises. God has not changed; we can rely on His faithfulness today.

Let’s hear Jesus’ call to listen and obey! ‘

Loving-kindness in dark times:

The Book of Ruth

Series: 2023, Term 4 | 5 Unit Study Cost $8

When Benjamin Franklin was United States Ambassador to France, he occasionally attended the Infidels Club — a group that spent most of its time searching for and reading literary masterpieces. On one occasion Franklin read the book of Ruth to the club. He changed the names so it would not be recognized as a book of the Bible.
When he finished, they were unanimous in their praise. They said it was one of the most beautiful short stories that they had ever heard, and demanded that he tell them where he had run across such a remarkable literary masterpiece. It was his great delight to tell them that it was from the Bible, which they professed to regard with scorn and derision, and in which they felt there was nothing good.
The story in the book of Ruth is certainly a literary masterpiece. Although it is a beautiful story in itself, it is the story behind the story,

— its meaning and significance — that is simply fascinating.

The book of Ruth is one of those beautiful Old Testament pictures that is designed by God himself to illustrate the dramatic truths of the Christian faith expounded in the New Testament. As we read we encounter moments of anxiety, fear, and love but through it all, it inflames the imagination and soothes the soul.
A story that begins with despair and ends with delight it covers the precious truth of redemption, and shines even brighter because it is set against the dark days of the
period of the Judges.

In those days Israel wasn’t ruled by a king, and everyone did what they thought was right.   Judges 21:25

Christ In The Old Testament:              

Finding Treasure

Series: 2023, Term 3 |  Cost $10    (200 left)

Treasure waiting to be found.  As jewellers cut diamonds to give them many facets it creates their sparkle and brilliance. Just like the many facets of a diamond, Jesus has many features or aspects. The Lord has provided us with multiple pictures and titles of Jesus: high priest, sin offering, mediator, Saviour, lamb, our righteousness and our refuge. The study of each of these facets in the Old Testament will bring us into a deeper understanding of Christ’s perfect character, His love and care for all people. Just as the hearts of Jesus’ disciples burned within them as He opened the Scriptures to them on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:32) — the Old Testament points to him. May our hearts burn within us as we contemplate and rejoice in the treasure we find in the Old Testament — Jesus Christ(64 left)23

1-2 Thessalonians:

Waiting Faithfully

Series: 2023, Term 2 |  Cost $10  (200 left)

Assurance for the future, encouragement in witnessing, walking with the Lord, comfort in the loss of Christian loved ones, and stability in a world that is very unsure of itself, is the message of Paul to the Thessalonians. His letters to the young church at Thessalonica were written because people there had found, in the good news about Jesus, a way to be changed in themselves. These letters also clearly reflect that the focus and purpose of their lives had been drastically altered and renewed. Studying Thessalonians is key to helping us understand the importance of living for eternity and not just for the present. It also helps us to come to understand that living “with eternity’s values in view” is what makes our Christian life meaningful today.  The church at Thessalonica was carried away with the expectation of Christ’s glorious return.                                                              May it too be our experience as we read and study these precious words telling of Christ’s return.

Who can help but be thrilled when thinking about His triumphant return? BUT we are urged to keep our feet on the ground and work while we wait, pray as we watch, for there is much to do while we wait for Christ to come back. 

Christ died for us, so we could live with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes. This is why you must encourage and help each other, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11 .6


Christ’s Final Victory

Series: 2023, Term 1 | Cost $10  (200 left)

Jesus Christ is the Victor, Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. As His followers, we will reign with Him forever in the New Heaven and the New Earth. What wonderful reassuring words for this day and age. As we study the book of Revelation, we will want to shout in victory and fall at Jesus; feet in humble worship, for truly He alone is worthy to be praised.
We will see that John wrote this book to encourage first century Christians who were experiencing great suffering. Through all the centuries reading and studying Revelation has brought comfort and hope. Why?
Because its symbols are timeless and may be understood by believers in any period of history.
Because its promises are eternal and may be trusted by all saints. But most importantly, drink deeply of the truths of God’s Word, for in them you will find Jesus Christ, and in Him freedom, assurance, peace, joy and the hope of HIs coming again.
Come, Lord Jesus, come – and come soon!
Come and take your bride, the church, to be with you forever!
The last words of Christ in His Revelation are “Yes, I am coming soon!”

Past Old Testament Studies to order:

Genesis 37 -50 Intended for good,  5 unit study   (111 left) $8

2 Chronicles Part 2: Kings of Judah   Sale price $1

Leviticus, Jesus and Us: Themes of Leviticus.  5 unit study $8

Kings of Judah: Kingdom and covenant.   9 unit study  Sale price $1

Past New Testament Studies and others to order:

Gospel of John: Part 2  Sale price $1

Five Lives: Women who encountered God (5 Unit study)  $8