Our CWCI President, Susanna West, has a spoken message for us all to hear regarding our new plans for 2022. Please click here to watch...
Women to
Please tap here to watch a message from our CWCI President, Susanna West, regarding our new plans for 2022.
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CWCI NZ is part of a global ministry that encourages all women to experience the joy and growing maturity of walking closely with Christ. No matter how near you are to Him or how far away you are, our desire is to give you the opportunity to study the Bible with other women, wherever you are in
New Zealand.
Our KNOW YOUR BIBLE (KYB) study material is internationally recognised as a relevant, dynamic and practical Bible study aid. Generally, each study focuses on a book in the Bible which is studied in detail, thus enabling you to ‘know your Bible’ and apply it to your life.
We also host special weekends, daytime and evening events during each year, where invited women speakers share specific topics from the Bible which are both challenging and essential spiritual food for each one of us to grow into the person that God intended us to be.
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CWCI (Christian Women Communicating International) is a worldwide Bible-based non-denominational faith ministry, which initially began in Australia in 1957. Some ten years later CWCI was introduced into New Zealand.
Today, CWCI NZ holds local events throughout each year in both city and country areas to offer encouragement, inspiration and Bible teaching. Know Your Bible studies are used regularly by women all over New Zealand, as well as in many countries around the world.
Encouraging words from our CWCI women

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